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World of Warcraft: Legion – Deluxe Edition EU


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Availability: Nicht vorrätig SKU GM-3471 Kategorien ,



Digital Deluxe Edition content:

  • World of Warcraft Illidari Felstalker Mount – stalk the invading forces of the Burning Legion from atop their very own hounds of war with the Illidari Felstalker. Purloined from the Dread Kennels of the Legion’s High Houndmaster, these demonic beasts are eager to turn the tides against their former masters.
  • World of Warcraft Nibbles Pet – after a long day of demon slaying, summon Nibbles — a delightfully demented companion — to keep you warm by the fel fire.
  • Heroes of the Storm Felstalker Mount – charge down the lanes of the Nexus on the back of a fierce Felstalker mount. Fitted with fangs, spikes, and everything nice, this mount is prepped and ready to take the fight to your opponents — and it includes three different skin variants.
  • StarCraft II Portraits – take back Aiur in style with psionic-infused portraits of Illidan and Gul’dan.
  • Diablo III Wings & Helm – Complete your fel-infused look with the new Demon Hunter helm transmog.

The World of Warcraft series is one of the most successful game series of all time. World of Warcraft: Legion will be the sixth and latest expansion, following World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor in the series that boasts over 100 million accounts over its entire history.

WoW: Legion will be a continuation of the WoW saga with innovative and exciting changes that fans have come to expect from Blizzard. WoW: Legion will raise the level cap from 100 to 110 and perhaps more importantly, will introduce a new hero class, the Demon Hunter. With other major changes including artifact weapons and a new transmogrification system, gamers will have their hands full with this brand new expansion!

  • NEW HEROES AND MORE LEVELS – Fight your way to the top once more as the level cap has now been raised. Players will be able to level up their heroes to level 110. A new hero class has also been introduced; the Demon Hunter will be available to the elvish races.
  • GAME MODES FOR EVERYONE – Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, it’s never too late to start playing World of Warcraft. Choose from a variety of game modes including player vs. environment (PvE), player vs player (PvP) and more!
  • THE MOST SUCCESSFUL GAME IN HISTORY – Over 100 million accounts have been made in the game, all those people can’t be wrong! Get immersed in the World of Warcraft culture as you start playing the game that seems to never grow old. With the new expansion, there has never been a better time for a fresh start!

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